IBM System 360 Model 30 VHDL files
For up-to-date VHDL please go to
There is now a version for the Digilent Zybo Z7-20, this is a Work-in-Progress. Currently the VHDL has been revised but the I/O infrastructure is incomplete.
To find this version select the ZyboZ7 branch. The original (S3) branch is S3BOARD.
This update: 2012-04-11 (Release 1.1)
This page contains the VHDL source for a 360/30 implementation, plus compiled files suitable for use on a Digilent Spartan 3 board. To see a video of this in operation, see my YouTube channel
You can also see a recording of a talk I gave to the OSHUG in London on 2011-04-21, about 22 minutes long.
The VHDL is a literal translation of the diagrams that can be found in the MDM manual (see Manuals below). Where errors are suspected, these are flagged in the VHDL, typically using "??".
The Model 30 was implemented using transparent latches and SR flip-flops. These are not a good fit for an FPGA, which prefers edge-triggered flip-flops, but as the timing requirements are not onerous it works well. There are some cases where explicit delays have been added to allow the circuitry to work as intended.
The front panel output is via VGA using the 3-bit interface provided on the board. Switch inputs are via multiplexed rotary switches, and the on-board pushbuttons and slide switches. Both the panel and switch sections are in their own files for ease of modification. The switch file contains details of how the switches are wired in. Basically, the 10 hex-encoded switches are scanned via 10 outputs and 4 inputs, and the remaining 8 switch inputs are discrete. The 'PROC' positions are not connected, so disconnecting the entire switch assembly defaults all switches to the 'Process' position.
Release 1.1 has the 1050 console implemented via the serial port at 9600bps. Use Ctrl+D to indicate end of input. If you program the mcs file below into the Digilent board, and connect something to the serial port, you can run the program by pressing Reset (BTN0) then Start (BTN1) twice. You should get a prompt on the serial port - enter a 3 digit number and press Ctrl+D. No other peripherals are required to do this, but you can look at the front panel on the VGA output if you wish.
If anyone ports this to an alternative FPGA board, please let me have the relevant files and I will host them here.
Carl Claunch has an equivalent project for the IBM1130.
- Manuals you will need (these are mirrored from BitSavers)
- 360/30 Functional Characteristics GA24-3231-7_360-30_funcChar
- 360/30 Maintenance Diagram Manual (MDM) R25-5103-1_2030CPUsch_Aug65
- 360/30 Field Engineering Theory of Operations Manual (FETOM) Y24-3360-1_2030_FE_Theory_Opns_Jun67
- 360/30 Operating Guide A24-3373-2_Model_30_Operating_Guide_Dec66
- 360/30 Field Engineering (FE) Handbook 229-2116-2_360_30_FE_Handbook
- Compiled image for Spartan3: ibm2030.bit and Platform Flash: ibm2030.mcs. The latter includes a memory image file (indian.bin) which has the "Indian problem" (assembler here and output EBCDIC punch file here)
- A program to generate VHDL initialisation statements from the CCROS image is here
- A program to generate the bin file from the Hercules pch file is here - this file is appended to ibm2030.bit using Impact
- A zip file containing all the files below:
- A zip file containing Release 1:
Support files
- README Information about this project
- COPYING GPL Licence Information
- Gates2030 Basic gate and flipflop definitions
- Buses2030 System-wide definitions for buses etc.
- digilentSP3.ucf Constraints file for Spartan 3 Starter Kit (obsolete)
- ccros20120318 Microcode image
- ccros CCROS handler library
ibm2030 Top level
- ibm2030-vga Virtual front panel
- vga_controller_640_60 VGA generated for front panel
- ibm2030-switches Switch handling
- ibm2030-storage External storage handling and initialisation
- PROM_reader_serial Platform flash reader
- clock_management Platform flash clock generation
- shift_compare_serial Platform flash bit shift code
ibm2030-cpu Main CPU
FMD2030_UDC1 CCROS, WX, registers
- FMD2030_5-01A-B ROS ind & chk, ROSAR backup & assm
- FMD2030_5-01C-D SALS & CTRL reg, ROS 1-4k
- FMD2030_5-02A-B X6,X7 generation, W-X reg gating
- FMD2030_5-03A Priority controls
- FMD2030_5-03B Stg wrap
- FMD2030_5-03C Clock start & stop ctrls
- FMD2030_5-03D Manual controls
- FMD2030_5-04A-B Recycle controls & Address match
- FMD2030_5-04C Manual data, C,F,H regs
- FMD2030_5-04D R/W Stg Controls
- FMD2030_5-05A R reg ind & chks, 1401 stats
- FMD2030_5-05B M-N assem
- FMD2030_5-05C Regs & A,B assm
- FMD2030_5-05D R/W stg clock 1st 32k
FMD2030_UDC2 ALU,Memory, Multiplexor channel
- FMD2030_5-06A-B A,B,Z Ind, Chks, Immed Stats, A,B regs, ALU
- FMD2030_5-06C-D R reg assm & stg to mem
- FMD2030_5-07A1 MN ind
- FMD2030_5-07A2 Check reg
- FMD2030_5-07B1 SAR
- FMD2030_5-07B2 S reg
- FMD2030_5-07C Direct Control
- FMD2030_5-08A1 CPU clock
- FMD2030_5-08A2 Mpx ind
- FMD2030_5-08B Q reg & Stg protect
- FMD2030_5-08C Mpx FO & FB
- FMD2030_5-08D Mpx FA
FMD2030_UDC3 1050 Console connection, Selector channels to come
- FMD2030_5-09C 1050 Console input and output translation
- FMD2030_5-10A 1050 Clock generation
- FMD2030_5-10B 1050 Tag generation
- FMD2030_5-10C 1050 Data handling
- FMD2030_5-10D 1050 & CE Connection
- RS232RefComp Serial port code used by 1050
FMD2030_UDC1 CCROS, WX, registers